Commercial Projects

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National Cryptology Museum

Located at the edge of NSA in Annapolis Junction, Maryland.First opened to the public in 1993, the NCM was the first public museum in the Intelligence Community (IC) and remains the only fully public museum in the IC. Originally designed to preserve and house artifacts from the NSA, the museum has evolved over the years and recently underwent its first complete interior renovation since opening almost thirty years ago.


MCAAD is building an interactive and engaging Visitor Center that will inspire people to renew their own American Dreams through celebrating others who have worked to achieve their ambitions, understanding and learning to challenge institutional and cultural barriers, and learning some of the life tools necessary to make dreams a reality. The Center will also house a conference center, a thought leadership division focused on economic and social mobility and a small theater. Online, we are building an expansive presence that complements our thought leadership and influence role through the hosting of conferences and discussions and through the publication of commissioned research.


Grove Park

There will be 35 new classrooms for 710 student stations on 76,211 square feet of land. socpe of work plumbing



Alro metals

Primark Tysons

Toto USA Expansion BIM

US Courthouse

Nora Hotel Shared

